
Two new UT MedTech spin-off foundations: AMES and FlowBeams

Two new UT MedTech spin-off foundations: AMES and FlowBeams

At October 1st 2021, two University of Twente spin-offs were founded. They are AMES and FlowBeams, both MedTech companies. AMES’s technology makes it possible to analyse the condition of a patient’s lungs during high-flow oxygen therapy, which in time will make home monitoring of patients possible. The FlowBeams spin-off enables needle-free injection. A technology that can be applied, for example, to the administration of insulin or the application of cosmetic tattoos.

AMES BV: monitoring of COPD and Asthma patients

Ames was founded by Rob Hagmeijer and Dennis van Putten. Rob holds a PhD in aeronautical engineering, worked for 13 years at NLR, and since 2000 has been working as UHD at the department of Engineering Fluid Dynamics (EFD). Dennis holds a PhD in mechanical engineering and works at DNV. He is a former PhD student of Rob and recently completed a Postdoc in the field of Biomedical Fluid Dynamics. The AMES technology will eventually make it possible to monitor COPD and asthma patients both in hospitals and in the home environment. The technology has emerged from multi-year research within the EFD department in cooperation with MST and UMCG. A prototype is currently being finalised and clinical trials are being conducted to prove the technology.


FLOWBEAMS: seamless injection

David Fernández Rivas, founder and professor at the University of Twente, focuses with his company FlowBeams on technology that allows needle-free injection. He developed the technology as part of a scientific project. Instead of needles, a laser is used to heat the liquid to create fast-growing bubbles. These bubbles shoot tiny droplets at high speed through the skin to be absorbed by the body. This technology is not only a solution for people who are afraid of needles. The use of needles also has an impact on the environment. In the medical world alone, billions of needles are used every year. And the cosmetics industry knows what to do with them too.



The establishment of the two spin-off companies proves once again the potential of medical technology in Twente. Researchers and entrepreneurs find in the region a strong knowledge base surrounded by a unique support system to successfully bring technological innovations in medtech to the market. With the green light for the realisation of the MedTech Factory at Kennispark, the establishment of two funds and the various consortia of (Kennispark-)entrepreneurs and researchers that can count on REACT funds, MedTech Twente is taking major steps forward.



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