
Solar Boat Twente and Wilminktheater join forces for online boat presentation

Solar Boat Twente and Wilminktheater join forces for online boat presentation

Solar Boat Twente presents her new boat on 26 April in the Wilminktheatre in Enschede. Since September, the thirteen members of the Enschede student team with a heart for innovation and sustainability have worked hard on the latest version of the solar boat. The goal is to race the boat during the Monaco Solar and Energy Boat Challenge at the end of this academic year; a prestigious sustainability race in the Mediterranean Sea in the harbour of the posh Monaco.

The cooperation between the Wilminktheatre and Solar Boat Twente is a first for both parties. Never before has the student team presented their boat at such a large location as this theatre. The option to organise the unveiling for a physical audience was kept open for a long time, but when this turned out to be impossible, both parties put their heads together and set up a full online alternative: a live stream from the theatre. Florian Dirkse, co-founder of The Ocean Cleanup is the guest speaker at this event. He will talk about his mission, adventures as a sailor and the ambitious project to remove waste from the oceans.

This year is the 5th edition of the student team Solar Boat Twente. The team now consists of 13 students from the University of Twente. Although there are currently no students from Saxion University of Applied Sciences in the team, a new collaboration has recently started with the aim of attracting students from HBO in the coming years. The participating students come not only from the Netherlands, but also from New Zealand, Namibia, Indonesia and Germany. Moreover, the study backgrounds are very different, which makes the student team unique in terms of method and dynamics.

Besides the race in Monaco, a sustainability race is also planned in Portugal. Whether Solar Boat Twente will travel there is still uncertain because this race is already in the beginning of June and the circumstances around covid-19 are still uncertain. The race in Portugal will be about clean drinking water as well as sea water. With the solar boat, the team hopes to be an inspiration for sustainable alternatives in the shipping industry. Before that happens, the boat will be presented.

You can register for this online event at www.solarboattwente.nl/boat-reveal.

Did you miss the event? Check the presentation below!



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