University of Twente

The most entrepreneurial university with the biggest impact in the Netherlands.

University of Twente

The University of Twente (UT) is an entrepreneurial university that constantly anticipates and responds quickly and adequately to changes in its environment. High Tech, Human Touch is the credo. Employees and professors of the UT regularly interact with the government, industry and knowledge institutions to generate groundbreaking research. The campus is an ecosystem for hundreds of spin-off companies. Already more than 800 spin-off companies started thanks to this young and entrepreneurial university. Kennispark Twente stimulates and facilitates the starting entrepreneur.

High Tech, Human Touch
Universiteit Twente (UT) is an entrepreneurial university that constantly anticipates and responds quickly and adequately to changes in its environment. High Tech, Human Touch is the credo. Employees and professors of the UT regularly interact with the government, industry and knowledge institutions to generate groundbreaking research. The campus is an ecosystem for hundreds of spin-off companies. More than 800 spin-off companies have already been created thanks to this young and entrepreneurial university. Kennispark Twente stimulates and facilitates the starting entrepreneur.

The presence of the UT makes innovation campus Kennispark Twente unique. Together with Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the University of Twente is co-responsible for many new start-ups each year. Moreover, the UT is closely linked to the area and is investing heavily in area development on the campus.

Meetings between businesses and students
Throughout the year, there are various events at Kennispark where entrepreneurs, researchers and talented students meet each other. For example, the world’s largest think tank Create Tomorrow where thousands of students get to work on various business cases. They are supported by entrepreneurs and researchers to come up with the most innovative solution. Check out our events page for an overview of all activities in the area.

Marieke Stokkelaar
Marieke Stokkelaar
Irith Hoffmann
Irith Hoffmann
Lars Prinsen
Mike Verkouter
Irith Hoffmann
Irith Hoffmann

Irith is Voorzitter van Ondernemersvereniging Kennispark. Sinds 2018 behartigt zij samen met andere bestuursleden de belangen van ondernemers en leden gevestigd op het Kennispark. Irith werkt als advocaat (inter-)nationaal contractenrecht en arbeidsrecht bij Damsté Advocaten-Notarissen.

Irith Hoffmann
Irith Hoffmann

Irith is chairman of the Business Association Kennispark. Since 2018, she has been promoting the interests of entrepreneurs and members located at Kennispark together with other board members. Irith works as a lawyer in (inter-) national contract law and employment law at Damsté Advocaten-Notarissen.

Mike Verkouter
Manager Startup Accelaration
Mike Verkouter



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