Smart City Enschede

Living Smart Enschede.

Smart City Enschede

Imagine a city where citizens can benefit from the advantages of new technology almost immediately. And a city where entrepreneurs can test and demonstrate their new concepts, products and services in an open field lab. Imagine a safe, healthy and smart tomorrow. Innovation is an important driver for the economic growth of Enschede and Twente. In addition, smart innovations contribute to an appealing, safe and dynamic city, of which residents, students, businesses and visitors are happy to feel a part.

The municipality facilitates and accelerates

Living Smart Enschede is an open playing field for new technology and innovations. In the physical domain, it consists of various locations of the municipality of Enschede in which new ideas can be explored. Enschede acts as a facilitator and accelerator concerning the three different types of locations. On top of that, Smart City Enschede is happy to be launching customer for innovations in the fields of health, public safety, and sustainability.

International network

Imagine a worldwide network of Living Smart Cities, that learn from each other. Enschede, together with Palo Alto (USA), Dalian (PR of China), Heidelberg (Germany) and Linköping (Sweden), has the ambition to become a Living Smart Society. The cooperation between the cities will be elaborated into a Smart City Alliance.

Read more about Smart City Enschede.



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