Investor Readiness bootcamp

The perfect preparation for the search for an investor.

Investor Readiness bootcamp

Do you need funding for your innovation? Are you a startup and looking for an investor to help you reach the next growth phase? Are you not sure about the right financing strategy for your business? The Investor Readiness Bootcamp is just what you need!

Investor Readiness bootcamp

Based on demand, Novel-T organizes brief bootcamps for motivated entrepreneurs. This bootcamp is the perfect preparation for your search for an investor. In four days over the course of circa one month, you will receive plenary and individual coaching, as well as training in various subjects related to investor readiness.

On the first day, the focus is mainly on theoretical aspects and introduction models. The following elements will be covered (some in general terms) during presentations:

  • The funding lifecycle of startups;
  • Investor readiness: what do investors look out for?;
  • Different types of (venture capital) investors and their characteristics;
  • The process from starting your search to closing the deal;
  • Valuation of business case / startup;
  • Pitch deck and business plan;
  • Financing strategy, tips & tricks.

Furthermore, the following models will be introduced: Golden Egg Check, Startup Funding Canvas and Investor Readiness Canvas. You will also begin working with the pitch deck.

On the second and third days, the startups will receive individual coaching based on the pitch deck and the canvases they filled out. This is the perfect way to prepare for the fourth day of the bootcamp and the actual search for investors. On these days, there will be a lunch workshop during which one of the following topics will be covered (in consultation with the participants): valuation of a business case or startup, investor readiness and/or an inspirational story from a successful entrepreneur. On the final day, relevant investors (depending on the participants) are invited to participate in the Dragon’s Den. In the morning, participants will have a chance to optimize their pitches based on a final round of feedback. In the afternoon, they will face a trial by fire and present their pitch to real investors.

Practical concerns
The bootcamp is organized by Novel-T and is held around the campus of the University of Twente. The trainers of Golden Egg Check have years of experience with startups, investors and the process of bringing the two together. Participation in this bootcamp is free to interested entrepreneurs, although we expect full commitment and active participation from everyone. Prior to the bootcamp, the participants will be selected based on the number of applications received. Each bootcamp offers room for up to six (teams of) entrepreneurs. We’ve started with the second serie of the bootcamps.

Sign up
Are you interested in the bootcamp? Register now! Together we’ll check if you meet the criteria and if this is the right moment for you to join the bootcamp. If you have any questions about the bootcamp, contact Remon!

Frank Maathuis, CEO of 360SportsIntelligence, has completed the bootcamp. Curious about this experience? Check out the video (Dutch)!


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