
Product and process innovation through knowledge from nature.


Do you have a complex problem as an entrepreneur? Take a look at the problem from a different angle of approach! Nature has already run into every problem. This has resulted in smart and energy-efficient solutions in the past 3.5 billion years. Bionics is applying this knowledge from biology in technology. This will improve your products and processes or create completely new inventions.

Product and process innovation through knowledge from nature

The German-Dutch project Bionica in the SME sector offers you an out-of-the-box innovation method using naturally proven technology. We can support you with your complex technological challenges from concept to prototype development.

The aim of the project is to make bionics accessible to SMEs in the EUREGIO and the EDR. In this context, concrete innovations in the area of products, processes and in connection with them, service offerings are also given shape. Bionics as an innovation method is one of the most important, competitive enhancing new technologies in which the strong link with sustainability also has the future.

Read more about the Interreg project Bionica for SME.



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