
Research: what is your heat and cold question?

Research: what is your heat and cold question?

In the coming years, Kennispark will develop into an attractive and sustainable innovation park. The energy issue is an important part of this. The aim is to raise Kennispark, which currently scores 1 star on the BREEAM-NL scale, to a higher level of 4 stars. An important step in this process is the mapping of energy consumption. Alfred Stobbelaar, member of the Knowledge Park core team and project manager of the Regio Deal projects, explains how this will be done.

Making the area more sustainable

Work is already being done in various ways to make the area more sustainable so that Kennispark can meet the standards of the national and European climate objectives. We also want to create an attractive working environment for the employees of the future. An environment that is easily accessible by bicycle and public transport and where the car and parking spaces will occupy a less prominent place. An important step in the process is the mapping of current energy consumption. Alfred Stobbelaar: “We are going to map out the need for heat and electricity for each building. What will the consumption look like per 24 hours, per month and per year?  Will heat go directly into the air, while a neighbouring building might be able to use it well? We are now going to look into questions and analyses like that”.

Energy research by Fraunhofer Project Center

The research is carried out by students who are deployed through the Fraunhofer Project Center. Alfred: “Students from various technical courses are going to investigate the energy consumption per building: how much gas and electricity is consumed, are there other energy sources available? If we have insight into this, we can look at how we can regulate the total consumption at Kennispark in a smarter way. A data centre, for example, continuously supplies a lot of heat. A lot of heat is also released when the ice rink is cooled. This happens in the winter, exactly when offices can make good use of that heat. Laboratories and clean rooms have different indoor climate requirements than offices. Can you use the air from clean rooms to heat the adjacent offices? These are interesting questions. This research gives us insight into what heat is left over and who needs it at the same time. That’s why we want to know the energy consumption of as many buildings as possible. We therefore hope that both the entrepreneurs and the property owners will cooperate in the research. The more data we collect, the better we know how to make the park energy-neutral”.

Collaboration requested

The investigation will commence shortly. Stobbelaar: “After the summer we will already have insight into the park’s energy consumption. With that 0-measurement we can then get to work on smart and innovative solutions for the future. We kindly ask you to cooperate if you are approached by the students. Only together can we turn it into an energy-neutral Knowledge Park!

Would you like to share more with us on the theme of energy? Do you see opportunities to jointly apply energy measures with entrepreneurs in the area? Or do you need help with that? Mail to info@kpark2023.tech-transfer.nl.



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