
Novel-T provides hands-on support for companies in the corona crisis

Novel-T provides hands-on support for companies in the corona crisis

Especially for regional manufacturing companies, start-ups and fast-growth companies, Novel-T has assembled a team of experts for hands-on support in this corona crisis. This support team is ready to help you find and apply for government regulations, advise on financial solutions and legal matters. In addition, they offer tips and advice in the transition to remote working.

The measures to flatten the spread of the Covid-19 (corona) virus go a step further every day. For many companies, large and small, this leads to immediate problems and many questions. The available expertise in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship is made available free of charge to help companies with their challenges arising from the COVID-19 situation. With the aim to minimize the damage to the regional economy.

1-on-1 support with the experts

If you are specifically looking for advice or sounding boards in a particular area, you can mail this to support@novelt.com or by calling 053-483 6800. Your question will be assigned within the team to the relevant expert, so that a contact moment can be planned.

Web page with the latest updates for entrepreneurs

On novelt.com/corona you will find important latest updates and information specific to entrepreneurs. It also offers an up-to-date overview of websites where the most up-to-date information can be found.

Daily digital question time

Every day at 9:30 a.m. is a digital question time. During this question hour, experts take part in a team of experts with different disciplines. The code to participate can be found on the website novelt.com/corona.



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