
Cooperative ‘Kennispark geeft Energie!’ starts

Cooperative ‘Kennispark geeft Energie!’ starts

It seemed quiet around the Kennispark initiative gives energy, but nothing could be further from the truth. In recent months, the intended board made preparations to set up the cooperative. “And we are initiating first actions to give substance to our ambition literally and figuratively”, shares Mark de Lat, one of the initiators of the cooperative.

“Our ambition is twofold,” explains Mark de Lat, partner at Eshuis Accountants and Advisors. “We literally want to generate energy with solar panels on the innovation campus. And in addition, we want to develop initiatives to promote the Kennispark as an energetic, energy-generating and innovative location”. In the meantime, the cooperative’s concept statutes have been completed. Besides Mark, the intended board consists of Bianca Screever of Demcon and Bob Vos of Switch IT Solutions. They are assisted by Alfred Stobbelaar of the regional organization Kennispark Twente and Aniek Averesch, member of the Young Twente Board.

Smart cooperation for sustainable energy

“This autumn we will be asking entrepreneurs and tile owners at Kennispark whether they will make their roofs available for solar panels,” announces Mark. “We want to offer the surplus of that energy to the employees of the companies at Kennispark. The cooperative sought contact with another energy cooperative in the city, Enschede Energie, for the design and implementation. “This cooperative already has a lot of experience that we would like to make use of. We agreed to set up an energy cooperative for Kennispark together.

Driving inspiration, energy and innovation

The second part of the ambition they give substance to by stimulating and organizing inspiring and energetic activities in and around the Knowledge Park. “We have plenty of ideas,” says Mark. “Ranging from a Kennispark beekeeper to repeating the Fietsmaatjes project. Mark emphasizes that it’s not just about big projects. “You also take steps forward with small activities. Take the beekeeper. There are already hives on the university campus. How beautiful it would be if we could also create space for a bee population on the other side of Hengelosestraat. Or if we offset our CO2 emissions by planting more trees on the innovation campus during a Knowledge Park Tree Planting Day”. In its activities, the cooperative seeks to collaborate as much as possible with existing initiatives. “We want to create movement and add a step to what is already there.

What is your idea for Kennispark?

Mark calls on Kennisparkers with energetic ideas to contact him. “Let us know what you need. We are happy to help you get concrete ideas together”.

You can email your ideas to Mark de Lat at m.delat@eshuis.com.



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